The 2022 Boone Suzuki Workshop
Crosspoint Community Church
132 Councill St, Boone, NC 28607
Our location this year is a facility we've used in the past, Crosspoint Community Church. The church is less than a mile from the Hayes School of Music in the Broyhill Music Center where the Appalachian GuitarFest activities will take place. We are looking forward to seeing you all Friday and Saturday April 1-2, 2022 (you can also come up for just Saturday.)
Register Now
You can go ahead and get registered online now by clicking the "Click to Register" link below. Keep in mind that registration due date is Wednesday, March 16. For more information about our workshop you can also check out the “Files to Download” at the bottom of this page. This will provide you with a Schedule Overview, an easy to follow “To-Do List” and the important “Music to Print” list along with other information.
New this year
The Boone Suzuki Workshop and Appalachian GuitarFest together offer a musical weekend like no other anywhere in the country!
Our clinician this year is Steve Bondy from Denver Colorado. Steve holds a Masters degree in guitar performance from the University of Denver and directs the Denver Suzuki Guitar program. He is founder and director of the Denver Suzuki Guitar Summit, a guitar gathering that serves the entire western US.
Our students will present a short concert to the the Appalachian GuitarFest as part of their Saturday evening concert.
We are finishing the building of a guitar this weekend! This is a project that began in 2016 when we started the Boone Suzuki Workshop . Master guitarist and luthier Jason Pickard has been directing our workshop participants over the years, gluing, cutting, and polishing the fine woods he brings us. Workshop participants this weekend will get to put the final touches this beautiful instrument!
Joining our teaching faculty this year is Mr. Marty Edwards, a fabulous guitarist, teacher, and good friend. Welcome aboard Marty!
Continuing this year
Master classes, group classes, and elective classes at the Suzuki Guitar Workshop.
Friday Night Pizza Dinner and Concert! After our 6PM pizza dinner in addition to a faculty concert, new this year we will provide an opportunity for students who will be competing in the Appalachian Guitar Festival competition to practice performing one of their required pieces if they are interested in doing so.
As always, the Appalachian University Guitarfest will be offering its fantastic world class performers in their evening concerts, free workshops and lectures in the afternoons, and the guitar competition that our Suzuki students are eligible to compete in. Check out their website to see their offerings open to your families that weekend:
Large Group Performances of Major Repertoire – we will be offering ALL of our students, including our Book 1 beginners, the optional opportunity to perform in our shared multi-level transcriptions (these are not dumbed down arrangements!):
Pachelbel Canon in D
Vivaldi Concerto in G Major for Two Mandolins – 3rd Movement
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Our new “fun piece” for this year will be “Blackbird” by the Beatles!
Our more advanced players will have the opportunity to perform in a large group the Telemann concerto in D for Four Violins. Check out the “Music To Print” document among these Workshop documents with sheet music and tutorials for these pieces. Call Mr. Kossler if you have any questions, (336) 682-7293.
The Guitar Building Elective by master luthier (and great guitarist) Jason Pickard will be back. We started building a guitar together at the 2016 Suzuki Boone Suzuki Workshop and we will finish it this weekend.
The Art Elective and T-shirt Art Competition.
The beautiful environment of Boone, North Carolina.
Teachers, there is no fee to come and observe.
Files to Download
For more information about the 2022 Boone Suzuki Workshop, visit this link.