Every Child Can (ECC)
Feel free to contact me you are interested in offering an ECC course in your area. The information below can be used to create promotional materials for the course.
For artwork, see the Every Child Can logo at, visit the "Every Child Can" website.
The Suzuki Method
Training Opportunity
Every Child Can!© (ECC) is an introduction to Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s philosophy and its application to Suzuki education. For teachers, ECC serves as the first course in the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) Teacher Development Program and therefore is not instrument-specific. The course is also open to non-teachers, prospective teachers, parents, administrators and all others interested in learning about Suzuki approach to education. Experienced Suzuki teachers are also encouraged to participate for renewed inspiration or review.
In addition to exploring the elements of the Suzuki approach and its far-reaching goals, ECC includes an introduction to learning styles, a history of the development of Suzuki education, the role of parents, the importance of Suzuki pedagogical training, and an overview of the SAA’s role in supporting teachers and parents. A fast-paced, engaging and inspiring program, ECC includes video materials and SAA-developed courseware and provides each participant with useful reference materials (manuals) for later study.
Every Child Can!© is a 6-hour course. It will be taught by William Kossler, a former student of Dr. Suzuki and a graduate of the Suzuki Institute in Matsumoto Japan. Mr. Kossler is a teacher trainer for the Suzuki Association of the Americas and a co-author of the Suzuki Guitar Method. See below for course location and contact information.
Training & Workshops
If you are interested in observing my teaching you are welcome to contact me to arrange a visit my studio, or feel free to visit our Boone Suzuki Workshop in Boone NC in the Spring. If you are interested in taking training with me as a teacher, here are some upcoming opportunities:

Opportunities for Training
Summer 2023:
For the latest updated information concerning opportunities to train with me and other Suzuki guitar teacher trainers, go to suzukiassociation.org.